
Google Search Console and Verification Methods

  GOOGLE SEARCH CONSOLE AND VERIFICATION METHODS What is Google Search Console? Google search console is a free service provided by Google to monitor a website's overall health and performance. It helps in the site’s visibility and improves search ranking. Google search console is indispensable for publishers and search marketing professionals. It offers an overview of the search performances and user experience to web owners to help them improve their sites and generate more traffic. Google console also helps Google communicate with web owners. Search Console offers tools that helps in the following actions: It confirms that Google can find and crawl your site. It helps in the submission of a  sitemap It helps in the page indexing of new or updated content. It helps add robot text. It examines the site links to your website. It informs you about a manual action penalty. Sitemap is an XML document that contains all related URLs in a website. The size of a sitema

Important Google Algorithm Updates

Important Google Algorithm Updates  Black hat SEO is an unethical practice used to rank a webpage higher in Google search results. This practice is against the search engine guidelines. They are different types of Black hat SEO techniques. Keyword stuffing - The repetition or insertion of keywords in large numbers into a website. Blog commenting - A strategy of building links to different sites through commenting. Irrelevant keyword - The title and content of a webpage will possess different keywords. Cloaking - It is a method where the impression of the website given to search engines is different from what the website actually carries. Duplicate content - It is when plagiarized or copied content is presented on a website. Content spinning - It is the repetition of the same content on a website. Clickbait- It is the content that attracts the users’ attention, gradually developing curiosity in them. Link farming - It is a method of automatically generating links to other websites. H

On-Page Optimization

  On-Page Optimization   On-page optimization is a technique which optimizes different aspects of a webpage within the webpage. On-page optimization helps google to easily crawl and understand the content on your webpage. Whereas Off-page optimization is focused on optimizing and ranking your website. Google optimizes a webpage based on 3 factors.         URL         Title         Meta Description A webpage is divided into 2 sections. The Head section and the Body section . The head section consists of the web page’s title, meta description and meta tags. The body section includes the content, images and other aspects of a webpage. A Snippet is a search result which matches the different parts of the search query. A snippet shown by Google includes the URL, title, and meta description of the website. The web owners can also provide advanced snippet which includes thumbnail, reviews, etc. While on mobile phones Google also provides the logo of the webpage which is kn

History and Evolution of SEO

  THE HISTORY OF SEO Search Engine is a software system used to search data via the internet. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a set of modifications to improve and optimize search results. Google is one of the earliest and greatest search engines followed by Yahoo, Bing etc. Baidu is the search engine used in China where Google is restricted. Google was co-founded by two university students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, for their university project in 1998. At the time Google performed as a sub-domain of their university website. And after the submission of the search query and Email id, the search results will be sent to the submitted mail id in 24 hours. By the time search engines were widely used all around the world but it saw a sudden hike after the Al-Qaeda attack at the World Trade Center on September 11 th 2001 as more users started searching about the incident and unfortunately Google couldn’t provide the requested information to its users. This led to discussions amon